Minutes Board Meeting HBBA Monday, April 18, 2022 3-4 pm
- Introductions of Board: Dan Serafini, Jeff Hansen, Debra Case, Rita Wells, Ron Jakubisin, and Elena Hershey were in attendance.
- ApprovalofMinutes
- TreasurersReport–Olgawasnotinattendancebutsentdocumentswithbank balance. Check for $700 for the drone was given out the previous month and no other obligations pending.
- MembershipActive/Paid–Olgasentalistofpaidmembers–nearly30renewed or joined.
- Dues – Discussion of approval of new members required by board. Ron to add that to website.
- CRA–VenicePizzaopenedintheburned-outbuildingspaceandthereappears to be some code violations. Board discussed how things like this might be handled since we are a pro-business organization. Need for rules and regulations to maintain a great atmosphere on the beach to conduct business and that everyone should be treated fairly.
- CityandGovernmentaffairsupdate–Elenasentawrittenreporttoboard members prior to the meeting and this was discussed.
- CommunityUpdate–Kathywasnotpresent.Ronshowedapromocardfor beach visitors that would be used at the upcoming Savor SoFlo Food Festival. We set up a drop point at Margaritaville so businesses could leave literature for the HBBA booth at SoFlo. Elena and Debra asked for volunteers to man the booth.
- MembershipUpdate–DiscussedapproachingCarlosMolinetatCosta Hollywood since he had indicated interest in membership. Diplomat still not re- upped. Debra/Elena to speak with GM.
10.Tourism Update / Hotels – Rita pointed out demand is up 10.3% since 2019, revenue is up 70.8% over 2019. Group business is coming back and the pipeline is looking better. Summer should be strong.
of last meeting – Minor error in previous minutes was noted
and corrected so that HCBA was changed to HBBA. Minutes unanimously
approved by voice vote. Confusion over start of meeting was discussed. Some
thought it was 3 pm and others 4 pm. Minutes from the last meeting had 3 pm.
11.General Membership Meeting – Planned for Thursday, April 21. Ron has been emailing and sending out info. Fliers to encourage beach businesses to attend were made up for Jeff and Steve to pass out.
12.New Business – Board Member Candidates Bob Weiser and Rachel Osburn visited and met with the board. No vote taken to accept their candidacies.
Dates for board meetings and general meetings were discussed and approved unanimously for the rest of this year. Posted on website:
General Meetings- April 21st, July 21st, October 20th and January 1st (2023). December 1st chosen for the annual holiday party.
Board Meetings: May 16th, June 19th, July 18th, September 19th, October 17th, November 21st, and January 16th (2023). No Board meetings in August or December. 3pm is the time selected by the Board on these dates.
13.Adjournment – Meeting adjourned at 5:16 pm Drafted by Ron Jakubisin