HBBA Annual Board and General Meeting
GG’s On The Water
4PM and 6PM
HBBA Board Meeting December 1, 2021
Dan opened our board meeting at 4pm
Dan,Debra, Elena, Olga, Jeff, Ron, (left and returned), Absent: Rita Wells
Quorum reached
A reading of the not yet approved minutes of all past meetings were unanymously approved by all. Dan to file as approved.
1301 Letter was sent. Agreed that since there has been no significant updates we will remain neutral with a better attempt at remaining fair and not biased. Dan to contact Raelyn to ask for any future updates to share with our board members as changes come in.
Treasurer Report:
Discussed past Drone project and agreed that follow up by Dan with Debra is needed to check on status since 2018, via a letter from HBBA to the Fire Dept. to check on who and where to send the $700.00 approved amount.
Dues remain same. Only one renewal/new member paid to date since last report
We have 23 (currently) paid members
Continue to hold our meetings and events at GG’s.
Debra is transitioning Elena into her position as Director of Government Affairs Liaison.
They attend various meetings and represent us well.
The listing of all licensed businesses in Hollywood is needed, a current to date listing as well as requesting one from our member, The Chamber.
Ron is working on this.
It was suggested that he and Jeff work in tandem to develop a regularly scheduled communication system to stay in sync to build membership.
Governmental Affairs:
Debra is introducing Elena to all the governmental agencies and personnel needed for her new role with our board. Note: it was stated by Debra that Elena is a natural, and will do a great job.
Commission is on recess until 1/17/22.
Community Affairs:
Kathy shared the local south beach concerns regarding subterranean conditions near the proposed 30 story private condo on public land after the explosive episode at 1401 Condo area which shook the tower to the 16th floor. With the proposed 30 story proposal, many are anxiety filled.
Membership Director:
Jeff prepared the PR cards and Ron is adding elements to it along with emails per board member with the HBBA email address.
Elena suggested we research ways to have trams, the Circuit cars, The beach Welcome Booth, etc,.. to pass out our PR cards.
Ron has an effort to Walk the Broadwalk project to gain new members in action.
Elena suggested we consider After Hours Networking events, Pot Luck from beach restaurant chefs as a beach mixer like a Taste of Our Beach, and Kathy added we can tie in fundraising to each event.
Rita absent, no update
Email: Technology
Tabled as Ron left meeting.
Possibly explore Constant Contact as separate service. TBA
New Business;
Debra and Dan are both considering stepping down but will remain active.
Kathy motioned to elect Elena as president once Dan transitions.
Elena agreed to co chair with Dan and/or Debra and both offered to assist Elena.
Kathy state she will help as well.
Motion was tabled until January meeting of the board.
New board member candidates were discussed and it was agreed to interview some of those who we may need to meet as a board.
Kathy, Jeff and Dan agreed. It was tabled until further notice.
Note: Eduardo was appointed by past board member, Cate as her replacement on our board.
Discussion on our Social plans:
Welcome table, agenda, and membership building strategies were settled.
Raffles and our 50/50 charity fundraising were organized and sponsors discussed.
Donated Prizes:
Eduardo is bringing the grand prize of a two night stay at Margaritaville valued at up to $1200.00
GG’s, Tiki Tiki, Billy’s each donated a $100.00 gift card
Jeff of Cahoots donated two $125.00 coupons for ads
Olga of Ben and Jerry’s donated coupons for the homeless shelter
Kathy of zzwolfman, inc., donated 2 Santa gift bags of wine and her famous Spice of Life
Dan closed the meeting after motion to adjourn at 5:30pm
CC: HBBA Board Members