HBBA Board Meeting – April 2023

April 17, 2023
President Dan opened the board meeting and welcomed our board.
Roll was called and a quorum is in place with Jessica, Bob, Olga and Eduardo not attending, and Debra and Elena on cells, Dan, Kathy, Rachel and Ron attending in person.

⁃ Approved minutes of our March meeting, to Dan to file with reports attached.
⁃ Reports
⁃ Treasurer, Olga not attending but we assume little to no difference since past report. Ron has addresses tech app PayPal issues.
⁃ CRA, City and Government:
⁃ Elena submitted her reports to board members prior to meeting to review and for Dan to attach as usual, to minutes to file.
⁃ Board discussed various issues. No motions.
⁃ Community- Kathy shared community issues regarding south beach items,
⁃ such as,
⁃ Flooding and some seawalls collapsing, Trafalgar Condo South-working with Commissioner Shuham to seek assistance with theirs,
⁃ public infrastructure issues, a variety of grants being secured, upcoming Public meeting on 4/25/23 at Center at 6:30pm, regarding several items:
⁃ PD3:1301, added many concerns of ht. restrictions in 1301, 901, the old Mirador property, New Diplomat towers near new beach publix, Stabinski properties, and unknown others, , and looking for clarity on status of the Hollywood Beach Resort properties, {sold}, the  trails:BeachWalk oppositions, Streetscaping projects, and re nourishment.
⁃ Membership- Jeff, many possibilities. Rachel is continuing to be very helpful securing new members, Toucans, 7 Tables, etc. Discussions regarding membership efforts continue.
⁃ Letters to support drafts to be shared with board prior to sending. Ron will add numbers of the results of members who voted for and against, /refrained votes to letter… prior to final approvals.
⁃ The new members and board introductions to new members at next meeting of board, by Rachel.
⁃ Discussions on continuing beach parking and traffic issues especially those affecting employee parking.
⁃ Reviewed annual meeting schedule and discussion regarding upcoming General Meeting agenda, speakers and guest parking cost. HBBA might pay if discounted. Ron and Jeff will be point persons with M’ville, Eduardo..
⁃ New Business: Discussions on vandalism and lack of beach police availability. **Dan to try to secure a 24/7 police contact name and number.
⁃ We will welcome new City Manager, George Keller and new beach lifeguard captain, Joyce Furhman at the April 20 general meeting.
⁃ Jeff shared update regarding our having Joe and Audrey family attend our general meeting for our tribute to Audrey.
⁃ Debra to update the original 2007 HBBA power point to present at the meeting and Ron shared the beautiful turtle globe -thanks to Ron!, Dan will present to Joe at the meeting. Ron will add info and photos to our website and
⁃ ***Debra will work with city to make presentation at upcoming Commission meeting with hopefully an “Audrey Joynt Day” city document and date of the appointed day.
⁃ Kathy, Elena and Rachel will assist with greeting, sign in, 50/50 and photos at 4/20 meeting.
⁃ Dan shared new email:
⁃ dangserafini@gmail.com
⁃ Awaiting updates on new Diplomat owners/managers.
⁃ Ron to send out parking info for 4/20 with reminder.
⁃ Motion to adjourn passed and we adjourned at 5pm

Draft submitted to Dan and Ron for next board meeting approval.