Board Meeting Minutes
GGS – 9/19, 2022 @ 3pm.
** Note- Ron sat in for Dan to chair the meeting. Dan is traveling. A rep for Adam from GG’ s Waterfront substituted for Dan.
Special Thanks to Dan and Lis-Anne for their continued support of HBBA.
Drafted Minutes:
Ron opened the September meeting of our board at 3:12pm and called roll.
All attending except: Dan, Olga, Rachelle and Eduardo. Debra and Bob entered late.
Rita resigned and is accepted.,
- All previous meeting minutes were voted as approved including the past general meeting minutes of July.
*** Dan will please print each and file.
- Reminded Elena to contact Laurence the Diplomat to pay dues and appoint a rep to the vacant board seat left from Judy Erickson.
- Ron to call to again remind Costa Hollywood to join.
– Ron to ask Steven Holland an active HBBA volunteer, to join him on a tech sub committee to help with IT and related issues, membership growth, etc.
- Discussion regarding the Joe Gonzalez issue asking for our support. All agreed that Ron draft a letter of support to send to the city for the initial event and if and when city approves, he will state in this letter that we strongly request close city monitoring of their being non competition with our beach vendor businesses, extensive beach and entire BROADWALK areas affected: Joe will assure on going clean up and police safety presence throughout event. Future HBBA support will depend on RESULTS:,compliance and city oversight.
- Treasurer Report by Ron as Olga was absent
Balance remains about the same, $6137.00. All agreed that Kathy will ask Olga to forward any changes in financial report, to her asap, and new members and renewed members info to include in minutes and to do so one day prior to each meeting especially when she is unable to attend.
* Done – note- Text sent. Nothing resulted as of today.
- City, CRA and Government Affairs- both Ron and Elena contributed. Elena
Reported the need for donations to the Chamber Grapes for Grade event planned for 10/13/22.
** Elena to send invites to board.
Thanks all who responded.
Elena submitted her detailed report.
- Kathy reminded that the linear park A1A project might need to change idea of a dog park. Elena stated Mayor Levy agreed.
- Elena reported on the Seawall project and suggested on behalf of Debra that a subcommittee be formed. Possible members of the beach and Lakes areas to be approached and invited to be on it. Some ideas: Steve Naron of the Summit, Terry Cantrell, long time activist and chair of the Lakes Civic association and of the City Council of all Civic associations, HCCA, Frank DeRisi, KathyDiBona, of HBCA, Steve Welch and Laurie Scheckter of North Beach Civic Association and activists John Passaquada , Bob Glickman, a rep from the Trafallgar condos and a rep from the Diplomat are possibilities. *CONSIDER WE APPOINT: Elena as possible chair of the subcommittee.
Motion made by Elena, seconded by Kathy and all agreed to form the seawall project subcommittee.
- Kathy agreed and will approach Terry, Frank, Steve Bob and Steve Welch, Laurie Shechter after our next board meets to confirm actions. Other board members will select others to approach.
- Membership:
- Jeff showed the recently produced calling ad card and stayed some of our members were not happy with the photo on it depicting only one member. Ron to work on another. The group from the Mermaid project to be called by Elena to remind to join.
Note- Elena and Debra will be made admins on our website to add event info and photos.
Jeff offered to place an HBBA Member hi light section per issue of Cahoots. Thank you, Jeff!
- Steve Holland to be a possible sub committee member to work on Tech issues with Ron , who will call him and discuss the role. He can easily continue to share membership info as he travels.
Tourism- since Rita resigned with all in agreement to accept her resignation and wish her well, Ron stated ‘THE LIST’ is down but improving. Airline issues affect tourism. Bob stated his hotel is showing positive changes.
- Secretary position on Board- no discussion. Need to have a replacement for Rita.Recommended: Rachelle. Discuss on next board meeting in October. Ron to add Add to agenda.
-*** DAN: Board all agreed – if no issue with Dan, -, to return to having light food items offered at our board meetings as we had done in past.
Next meetings:
- Board on 10/20 at 3pm at GGs
- General Meeting- 10/23 , 2-4pm at TBA – possibly at The Marriott but Bob stayed her must first confirm.. will text Ron and Ron will send out invites.
- Discussed possible topics and speakers:
-CRA – status of south A1A, Flower Street issues of plan details of raising those streets and how address parking lot issues, street parking spaces, ways to eliminate gaps where raising streets cause uneven walkways and exits to buildings etc.
– Communication plan to get details to residents.
- Kathy to invite director of Parks and Recreation department , Rocky Engels to attend and share details of upcoming annual traditions and events – contest: best decorated businesses, Candy Cane parade, Bite Parade…