June 20, 2022
Dan opened meeting and welcomed all.
- Approved previous minutes
- Presentation by new HBBA MEMBER: Mother Ocean Foundation: Mr. Joe Gonzalez regarding request fir our support of an event – “EcoPalooza Fest”. Many felt he will do best by first working with the city and CRA to plan further and then proceed. Recommended action was to create a proposal with details to bring back for our review by Eduardo and, Olga reminded of the need for any presenter to include within any plan for issues of clean up and security.
- Treasurer Report: 35 members. $5400.00 balance
- CRA update: Elena reviewed her report as part of her role as HBBA Director, City and Government Affairs. Report was sent to all.
- COMMUNITY Affairs: Kathy shared updates on 1301 project approval and ongoing referendum, the issue that negative reactions prevail regarding some city commissioners unprofessional public rebuke and remarks at the 3/16/22 meeting aimed at city civic associations and the individual leaders of them,
- also, the upcoming 6/28 political Forum to hear from District candidates for Florida House seat, the new law: no smoking on brach, is left to cities to regulate, and, as a co-chair of the city Parks & Recreation advisory, Kathy stated the members are visiting all city parks including our beach parks along with the entire beach to review current conditions of each.
- Membership- Jeff reiterated current membership of 35 paid members and is awaiting approval of a membership flier to pass out by us all.
- Tourism- Rita and Ron. Rachel clarified reasons no private development should be allowed on public and specifically detailed per deed properties, Eduardo stated M’ville had an outstanding period up to April as had others.
- Vote for Secretary- not addressed. Will transition to next Board meeting agenda by Ron.
- New Business-next General HBBA meeting set for 7/21/22 from 2-4pm at Garfield center, room 258, free parking and info on that to be sent out by Ron.
- Kathy requested a formalization of previous attempts over past boards to officially recognize and include as an honored listing of our past HBBA board founders, board members, as well as long term outstanding general members through a recognition process, names listed on our website that is to be kept current, names listed on our literature, official invitations, etc. All agreed. Ron stated he will develop that. Kathy will request those names from Debra.
- Ron suggested that our board Crete criteria and a process for requesting presenters submit their proposed written program/platform plans to us to review prior to our approving an appointment for them to present to our board and/or members. Agreed.
- Update: Kathy reminded that Beam Furr and Clay Miller, both District 1 residents are candidates to be considered as supportive persons in upcoming August elections. Caryl Shuham will be reinstated as our commissioner for our District 1 due to no one opposing her and Idelma Quintana is the new City Commissioner replacing Linda Sherwood, District 6, also due to running unopposed.
- Eduardo shared that the 4th of July events will take place, as usual with fireworks. Rerouting of traffic due to Sheraton bridge closure is being prepared by city to alert all.
- Dan closed meeting at 4:30pm. Motion passed.