The Turtles are Coming!

sea turtle nesting

The Turtles are coming!
The Turtles are coming!

A Message from the City of Hollywood. 

Sea Turtle Nesting Season Begins March 1.
The turtles need our support. Hollywood Beach can serve as an example of a thriving coastal city that also sustains breeding sea turtle populations. Broward County’s monthly turtle lighting surveys show that 25% of light reaching the beach comes from interior lighting. Here’s how you can help keep the beach dark for the turtles: 

• Turn off lights when you leave the room
• Close curtains and blinds after sunset
• Move lights away from windows and patio/balcony doors
• Use fixtures with shades
• Use dimmer switches
• Use low wattage, warm white bulbs
• Tint windows and patio/balcony doors with 15% transmittance or less 

To see what the tinting looks like in action, Sage Beach at 2205 S Surf Rd in Hollywood is an example property that was compliant as of FWC’s final inspection.   

From Broward County :  The official start of sea turtle nesting season in Broward County is March 1. Three species of sea turtles typically nest on Broward’s beaches each season: leatherbacks, loggerheads and green turtles. The Broward County Sea Turtle Conservation Program began monitoring sea turtle nests in 1981. Long-term trends suggest increases in local nesting populations. 

For information on exterior lighting click here: More… 

Hollywood Sustainability Contact:
Elaine Franklin
Environmental Sustainability Coordinator
Office: 954-967-4526 x 5510
Hollywood Beach